The existing Town and Country Planning Act, of 1920 was repealed by Town & Country Planning Act (T&CP Act), in 1971. The Directorate of Town & Country Planning (DTCP) headed by the Director is functioning under the Tamil Nadu T&CP Act, 1971. It functions under the control of the Housing & Urban Development Department (H&UDD) of the Secretariat. The department has its jurisdiction over the entire TamilNadu except for Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA).
To carry out any construction activity, you will need permission from the Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP). According to the rules, you cannot build a house on agricultural land even if land may be owned by you.

Directorate of Town and Country Planning is referred to as DTCP. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development has jurisdiction over it. In essence, it includes all locations except those that are covered by CMDA. Additionally, it is essential since the agency oversees a wide range of urban and rural development initiatives.

DTCP Plot Regularization
In order to gain DTCP approval from disapproved locations, we provide plot regularisation services. From the start of the DTCP-approved process until the conclusion of site regularisation, we maintain comprehensive management. This plot regularisation service is provided at a reasonable cost and within the allotted time limit.